2024 IEEE 7th International Conference on
Computer and Communication Engineering Technology
16-18 August 2024 ◊ Beijing, China


CCET 2018

◊ The First Conference

The 1st International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering Technology was held August 18-20, 2018 in Beijing, China. This unique gathering aims to bring together all international academicians, scientists and industrialists for sharing knowledge, exchanging successful ideas, and making collaborations and presentations of the research outcomes in computer and communication engineering technology.


Thanks for your participation!

We are much obliged to the local support of North China University of Technology (NCUT), CCET2018 conference was successfully held in NCUT campus during August 18-20, 2018. 

Prof. Ma Li, Dean of College of Computer Science and Technology, North China University of Technology, China was delivering the opening remarks at CCET 2018 and welcoming participants from all around the world.  We would like to take this opportunity to deeply express my heartfelt appreciation to all our plenary speakers, session chairs, in practically, all the committee members involved in the technical evaluation of conference papers and in the organization of the conference for their time, effort, and great contributions.


Keynote Speakers

Prof. Xu Huang

Prof. Yonghui Huang

Prof. Jinxin Ma


Parallel Sessions








August 18-20, 2018

North China University of Technology, Beijing, China


EI Compendex  Scopus




Best Papers

Presenter: Yansen Zhou

Affiliation: University of International Relations, China

Paper Title:
Research of a Pattern Matching Algorithm Based on Threshold and Word Frequency
Presenter: Liu Ya

Affiliation: Taiyuan University of Technology, China

Paper Title: A Public Key Cryptosystem with Integrated Lattice
Presenter: Ming Zhao

Affiliation: China Academy of Electronics and Information Technology, China

Paper Title: Efficient Construction for QC-LDPC Convolutional Codes with Periodic Bit-Filling
Presenter: Zheyu Ying

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China

Consistent Hashing Algorithm Based on Slice in Improving Scrapy-Redis Distributed Crawler Efficiency
Presenter: Ma. Emmie T. Delluza

Affiliation: Technological Institute of the Philippines, Philippines

Paper Title: G2C Model with Data Analytics Implementation for an Effective Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Government Program
Presenter: Qin Fu

Affiliation: Wuhan University of Technology, China

Paper Title: Direct-writing on Paper of CPW-fed Slot Antenna with Silver Nanowire Conductive Ink

Congratulations to the Winners of the Best Presentation Awards 2018