2024 IEEE 7th International Conference on
Computer and Communication Engineering Technology
16-18 August 2024 ◊ Beijing, China

CCET 2021

◊ The Fourth Conference

The 4th International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering Technology was held online August 13-15, 2021 considering the safty of alll participants. We are very grateful to the keynote speakers, the International committee, session chairs who selflessly contributed to the success of this conference.


Plenary Session

Prof. Li Ma
     ——Opening Speech and Conference Welcome

Prof. Jianyong Duan
     ——Host for Keynote Speech

Prof. Dapeng Wu
     ——Knowledge Centric Networking: Challenges and Opportunities


Prof. Hai Jin
     ——Towards the Practical Blockchain System: Challenges and Practices


Prof. Jiang Xu
——Rejuvenate Post-Moore's Law Computing Systems with Photonics-Electronics Codesign


Prof. Tao Zhang
     —— Intelligent Applications of Loan Risk Control Based on Financial Big Data Technology


Prof. Alexei Shishkin
     —— Deep Learning for Human Emotional State Recognition



Q & A Section

Break and group photo

Parallel Session


Session Title: Target Detection and Pattern Recognition


Best Paper Presenter:
Shuchi He, Soochow University, China
IT1049: A Position-Sensitive Regression Network for Multi-Oriented Scene Text Detection



Session Title: Digital Image Processing and Application

Best Paper Presenter:  Tianze Gao, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
A Convolution-Involution Hybrid Framework for Monocular 3D Object Detection




Session Title: Soft Computing and Intelligent Computing


Best Paper Presenter: Zheng Haifeng, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China
Human Mobility Prediction Based on DBSCAN and RNN


Session Title:  Electronic and Intelligent Control System

Best Paper Presenter:  Lei Gao, North China University of Technology, China
Automatic Recognition of Intersections based on Vehicle Trajectory Turning Points Clustering



Session Title: Communication and Signal System


Best Paper Presenter: Angelica Samortin, Mapua University, Philippines
IT1081: The Optimization of a 5G Insetfed Patch Antenna using the Machine Learning Algorithm Surrogate Model Assisted Differential Evolution for Antenna Synthesis


Session Title: Software and Applications

Best Paper Presenter:  Chen Yang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
SpBiSeq: An early-stage fingerprint generation method with high robustness for encrypted mobile application traffic



Session Title: Computer and Information Engineering


Best Paper Presenter: Sheng Zhang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Segment-level Cross-modal Knowledge Transfer for Speech Sentiment Analysis

Session Title:  Communication Theory and Technology

Best Paper Presenter:  Jiyuan Sun, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China
High-Dimensional Modulation Superposition NOMA with Non-Ideal Channel Estimation






August 13-15, 2021

Virtual Conference


EI Compendex



✍ Congratulations to the Winners of the Best Presentation Awards 2021